Sağlık Bakanlığınca Kamu Özel İş Birliği Modeli İle Tesis Yaptırılması, Yenilenmesi ve Hizmet Alınmasına Dair Uygulama Yönetmeliğinde Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Yönetmelik

Several amendments are made in the “Implementing Regulation on the Construction, Renovation and Service Delivery with the Public Private Partnership Model by the Ministry of Health” dated 21.03.2014 (“Regulation”) with the “Regulation on the Amendment of the Implementing Regulation on the Construction, Renovation and Service Delivery with the Public Private Partnership Model by the Ministry of Health” published in the Official Gazette on 25.01.2020.

Henceforth, in accordance with Article 37 of the Regulation, the rate of increase in the Domestic Producer Price Index (PPI) determined by the Turkish Statistical Institute shall be applied annually to the fixed-rate guaranteed amount to be given by the tenderer in the operating period.

Additionally, according to Article 61 of the Regulation, in case of a situation that affects the implementation of the contract arises, a discount can be made in the agreement price by taking the opinion of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance. Also, in the event of a dispute in the agreements signed in accordance with this regulation, the place limitation, which previously determined that the arbitration process should only be held in Turkey, has been removed.

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