“With The Decision of The Constitutional Court Dated 04/05/2023 Numbered 2022/62 E., 2023/89 K, regarding the seniority of press workers; it has been unanimously decided to annul the provision in the Articles 6/1 and 6/7/2 of the Press Law Numbered 212 which is “Seniority right is entitled journalists who have worked in the profession for at least five years … However, less than 6 months of service is not taken into account.” on the grounds that it creates a difference between the press workers and workers subject to other laws, which is against the press workers and that it is contrary to the right of property under the Constitution and the principle of equality.
You can access the full text of the decision from the following address https://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2023/06/20230614-6.pdf”