With the Article 15 of the Law on Amending on Certain Laws and on the Decree Having the Force of Law No. 375, a provisional article has been added to the Law on the Execution of Penalties and Security Measures dated 13/12/2004 and numbered 5275. With this added article, the procedure to be applied at the end of the leave period of convicts who are on leave due to Covid-19 epidemic has been determined. In the relevant provision; it has been stated that it will be applied on the convicts whose execution of prison sentences have been delayed as per the Articles 16, 16/A, 17 and whose prison sentences have been halted; and that as of 31/7/2023, in accordance with the fifth paragraph of the provisional article 9, it is stated that the convicts who are on leave due to the Covid-19 epidemic are obliged to return within fifteen days following the end of their leave, to the institutions where their execution procedures are ongoing, and the issues regarding the convicts who will return from leave and the convicts who will be given a probation decision will be announced on the official website of the Ministry of Justice.

You can access the announcement text of the Ministry of Justice at https://cte.adalet.gov.tr/Home/SayfaDetay/covid-19-izinlerine-iliskin-yapilacak-islemler17072023084630

You can access the full text regarding the relevant amendments on the Execution Law at https://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2023/07/20230715-2.htm

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