Violation of Property and Effective Remedy Rights Due to Expropriation without a Decision of Public Interest With its decision dated 10.11.2022 and application numbered 2019/1255, the Constitutional Court has decided that the applicant’s right to property has been violated due to the expropriation of their immovables without a public interest decision or a zoning implementation plan, and applicant’s right to an effective remedy has been violated due to the inability…
Sağlık Bakanlığınca Kamu Özel İş Birliği Modeli İle Tesis Yaptırılması, Yenilenmesi ve Hizmet Alınmasına Dair Uygulama Yönetmeliğinde Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Yönetmelik Several amendments are made in the “Implementing Regulation on the Construction, Renovation and Service Delivery with the Public Private Partnership Model by the Ministry of Health” dated 21.03.2014 (“Regulation”) with the “Regulation on the Amendment of the Implementing Regulation on the Construction, Renovation and Service Delivery with the Public…