With its decision dated 11.05.2023 and application numbered 2018/14133 “With its decision dated 11.05.2023 and application numbered 2018/14133, the Constitutional Court has decided that the dismissal of the case due to final judgment violated the applicant’s right to access to court and right to a fair trial. The individual application is regarding the claim that the dismissal of the lawsuit filed by the individual applicant due to the lack of…

With the Article 15 of the Law on Amending on Certain Laws and on the Decree Having the Force of Law No. 375, a provisional article has been added to the Law on the Execution of Penalties and Security Measures dated 13/12/2004 and numbered 5275. With this added article, the procedure to be applied at the end of the leave period of convicts who are on leave due to Covid-19…

Applicant applied for determination of the violation of their right to protect their material and moral existence and compensation due to the fact that they could not get a response from the Administrative Institutions to which they applied for compensation for their material and moral damages due to having a limp as a result of an intervention with a muscle relaxant injection in the state hospital which they applied with…

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