The Constitutional Court decision dated 14.03.2024 and numbered 2023/160 E. 2024/77 K. is published in the Official Gazette dated today.
As per the aforementioned Constitutional Court decision;
- The “even if this party is partially or fully justified in the case, he/she shall be held responsible for the entire cost of the proceedings.” section of the first sentence;
- The “In addition, no attorney fee shall be awarded in favor of this party.” sentence
of Paragraph (11) of Article 18/A added to the Law on Mediation in Civil Disputes dated 07/06/2012 and numbered 6325 with Article 23 of the Law dated 06/12/2018 and numbered 7155 is unconstitutional and CANCELED.
The annulment provisions shall enter into force nine (9) months after the publication of the Decision in the Official Gazette (18.04.2024).