The Decision of the Board Regarding the Exception of the Enrollment Obligation in the Data Controllers’ Registry for Associations, Foundations and Trade Unions
In the decision of the Turkish Data Protection Board (“Board”) dated 26.11.2019 and numbered 2019/353, the Board has extended the scope of the exception brought in the decision numbered 2018/32 regarding the exceptions of the enrollment obligation in the registry stating “Associations established under Associations Law numbered 5253, foundations established under the Foundations Law numbered 5737 and trade unions established under the Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining Agreements Law numbered 6356 that process personal data limited to their areas of activity and regarding their respective employees, members, regulars and donators in accordance with the relevant legislation and purposes”. The Board has decided that the relevant exception also covers “those who have been donated to” and that this should be interpreted as being included in the phrase “limited to their areas of activity”.